Frequent Questions

Q: Banker Wallet is having 80% of the total token, this is too much power, how can we make sure there will be no rugpull?

A: You have all information regarding to the owner of this project Official Links and also it is automatically reported in the sites for liquidity activity. So if we do something strange, you know it, its all there.

Q: Why not lock the liquidity?

A: We can't lock the liquidity since we need to be able to control the liquidity and increase it periodically.

Q: Does this means owner have ability to remove the liquidity anytime and become RUGPULL?

A: YES we have that ability, but refer to first question, we are committed to be transparent.

Q: Any Lock liquidity plan when the funds is enough?

A: YES, we will create a lock contract to lock liquidity once all token $YCB in the BANKER wallet move to liquidity pool. We already renounce owner of the token to burn address (0x000), so there is no more control over the token, only liquidity matter. (subject to change, we have plan in the backlog)

Q: What is the plan of lock contract?

A: Basically the contract will be the owner of liquidity pool, the contract can only increase liquidity and withdraw fee. Other method will be unavailable, thus it will lock until the period over. When period over, the liquidity pool NFT contract will be able to send back to original owner.

Q: Why not lock forever?

A: No, for the sake of flexibility. Just in case the liquidity pool provider such as UNISWAP is updating their pool, we can update accordingly and re-lock again. IF this were lock forever then no one can maintain it if there are issues. IF it were lock forever, we can't get the profit from swap to share with you.

Q: Banker Wallet is multi-sign?

A: Yes. for security purposes, using Gnosis Safe Wallet.

Q: This project is for everybody?

A: Unfortunately big NO, this is for intermediate to Advance user of crypto in web3 ecosystem. You need to be at least to know how to use web3 wallet and knowledge about any DEFI out there. Please, information is out there and can be easily obtain these days, chatGPT can help too.

Q: Is $YCB multi-chain?

A: It is not multi-chain, only available in Polygon Chain, but there is a plan in the backlog. Stay tune!

Last updated