Currently this feature is disabled or offline until TBD
Smart account contract with more security.
Currently in beta phases, feel free to try at YCB Pocket app
Free of charge gas fee (Stake YCB)
Prepaid gas fee settlement, all in one chain payment
Email and passkey wallet smart account creation
Import wallet with private key and phrase also available (advanced options)
Decentralized anonymous merchant transaction service and p2p
Smart Contracts:
YCB Gas payment => 0xff10F37Ca114f5489B4F71B959256F146e0E6264
WMatic Gas payment => 0x632eb90829f5DD6C4aCa7a89C55FdfC840415F73
ETH (base) Gas payment => unnecessary since it is ETH
ETH (Arbitrum) Gas payment => unnecessary since it is ETH
ETH (Optimism) Gas payment => unnecessary since it is ETH
ETH (Ethereum) Gas payment => unnecessary since it is ETH
On development:
Free of charge gas fee (YCB Stake subscription)
Merchant escrow service
IF you have recommendation of any token to be the gas payment, please feel free to contact on discord.
On backlogs:
Transfer ownership
Dapps wallet connect hook integration
AI utility app
and many more
Last updated